Monday, February 9, 2015

No Call Center, it's True!

Hi There All! I hope you had a fantastic weekend. The Hubby and I hung out all weekend, it was great. As I mentioned before I was laid off from my job. As part of that I find myself needing to roll over my 401k funds. As I am a creative person I have no understanding of this or investing for that matter. It's like being a fish out of water. 

A friend of mine gave me a referral to a gentleman, Bob, who works for Edward Jones. Now I'm sure, like me, you have seen their commercials on TV describing how personable they are, no automated call center. 

Well it's true! I have to say I was truly shocked when I called his office and a live person answered the phone on the 2nd ring. Karen, his assistant, was so sweet and helpful taking down my information. When Bob got on the phone, it was like talking to an old friend. He made an appointment with me the next morning and came right to my home. A house call, didn't that only happen back in the day? 

He arrived on time and didn't even mind my overly excited puppy, Otis. He said he loved dogs and has 2 of his own. We sat down and went over all my paperwork. Bob was so helpful, explaining things for a lay person. He asked me a few questions to get to know me better, so he can have a better understanding of how to invest my funds. He also told me his wife just went through a similar situation as me, loosing her job. Experiencing the challenge of creating a resume and the anxiety of the interviews. He said, like his wife, I will end up with a better opportunity. 

It is such a relief to have this taken care of and in just one meeting to have the confidence that I have in him. I'll say it again, it is so refreshing to call an office and have a life person answer. There is something to be said about having a face-to-face personal relationship over an automated call center. 

Have a great day!

I was not compensated for this post. I just had to write about what personal service I received in a time of most companies using automated call center.

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